Building Customer Relationships with Social Media

It is essential for entrepreneurs to pay close attention to their customers’ needs and learn the benefits of utilizing social tools to better engage their audiences. We found this great article by JumpStart Chief Marketing Officer In-Residence Nadine Nana discussing different ways to build business relationships with social media. With more consumers turning to online resources, […]

Resolution Concepts for a Happy New Year

The Founder’s Fix | Resolution Concepts for a Happy New Year I generally follow the Larry David three-day “Happy New Year” statute of limitations, but since this is our first FIX of the year, I requested and granted us a brief extension. As we’re halfway through January, many folks are well into abandoning their resolutions […]

Know Your Purpose and Live It

Many very successful people know what they were born to do (personal mission) and why they were called to do it (personal purpose). I wrote about developing your own personal mission statement. Now I shall share a few thoughts about discovering your purpose and living purposefully. It answers the question, “Why am I here?” In […]