Cost Saving Member Benefits in Under 30 Minutes
November 18
11:00 am - 11:30 am
$ Members
$ Non-Members
Your Cost Saving Member Benefits Explained in Under 30 Minutes
This could be the most valuable 30 minutes you’ve ever spent on a zoom call.
Join us as Cindy Holzheimer, President/CEO of the Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce, presents the cost saving member benefits available to WHACC members. As one of the largest independent chamber associations in the United States, NOACC is dedicated to helping chambers deliver competitive and cost-saving benefits for almost 35,000 member businesses.
- Discover new saving opportunities
- Find benefits that are right for you
- Have your questions answered
- Get to know Cindy + NOACC
- Network + connect with fellow members
Guest Speaker Cindy Holzheimer, President/CEO Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce. Cindy became the President/CEO of the Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce (NOACC) in September 2018. She had been the NOACC Chairperson from 2016 to 2018 and their recording secretary in 2015. During that time, she was serving as the Executive Director of Beachwood Chamber of Commerce, a position she held for nearly 5 years.
Read Cindy’s full bio here!
For security reasons our meeting is by invitation only. Your Zoom meeting login information will be provided post-registration by email.
You will have the option to submit any questions for the conversation in the email form below to be addressed in this conversation, or using the chat feature of zoom during the live event.
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