Masters of Motivation Series

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March 27

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Marriott Cleveland East
26300 Harvard Rd.
Warrensville Heights, OH 44122

$25 Members
$35 Non-Members

Masters of Motivation
Propel yourself and others to success

Keeping yourself and others motivated can be tricky with obstacles that include overwhelming to do lists, rapidly changing goals, or even Facebook and Snapchat distractions. Join us as a panel of locals experts share their stories of how they or their teams stay motivated and achieve success.

Moderated by:
Dr. Margaret McKenzie, President, Cleveland Clinic South Pointe Hospital

Panelist include:
Mark Huber, General Manager CLE, Amazon
Linda McHugh, Chief Human Resource Officer of the Cleveland Clinic
Brian Cullen, Vice President, Human Resources, Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes