Cafe Avalaun Pivots Business Strategy to Face New Challenges

Cafe Avalaun Pivots Business Strategy to Face New Challenges

Over the course of two weeks in March, the team at Cafe Avalaun had to completely change the way they did business. Chef and Owner Brian Doyle said, “Every day since the Governor announced the stay at home order has brought new challenges and pivots or us”. Although having to reducing their staff and hours by 50%, Cafe Avalaun has continued to serve their 100% gluten-free food to their loyal customer base. On March 19th, Cafe Avalaun moved their entire business to online only ordering and curbside pickup to reduce person to person contact while maintaining their ordering system.

As a restaurant, they were quick to maneuver through the roadblocks.”We care about our staff and community, customers and friends,” said Brian. “We felt it was our duty to provide our unique food service to those that would otherwise struggle to find allergy safe food at other eateries.” While it has been a challenge, they remain dedicated to providing for their customers. “We’re hopeful that we can continue to pivot and our customers will also pivot along with us.”

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