Increase Your Business’ Potential for Publicity with a Press Kit

Increase Your Business’ Potential for Publicity with a Press Kit

One of the easiest ways for a small business to spread awareness about its company and services is through a properly crafted press kit. A press kit, also known as a media kit, includes all the essential information about a business as well as graphics such as the company logo, product images, and external shots of storefronts.

To make the best press kit to share with media outlets and any other entity interested in promoting your business, there are several components to include. A press kit should be comprehensive enough to leave little guesswork for the individual elevating your business.

How can a press kit help your business grow?

Press kits are a public relations tool that can help you promote your brand and add value to your business. According to Catalpha, the more core values you share with your consumers, the more loyal they will stay to your brand. A press kit gives media professionals a good overview of your business and what makes it unique.

A press kit can help you gain more connections, influence your industry’s market, help you build better relationships in your community, reach industry influencers, and promote yourself as an expert.

[Read more from Catalpha here.]

What are press kits used for?

Shopify says the best press kits make it easy for reporters and consumers to access your company’s marketing materials. It offers validation for your company and makes it easier for you to gain publicity.

Small businesses should create or update their press kit for product launches, mergers and acquisitions, company news, and special events.

Today, most press kits are digital and can be accessed easily through a company’s website or social media channels. Some businesses put their press kits on USB drives and hand them out at business events.

What should be included in a press kit?

Here’s what Shopify says should be included in an online press kit:

  • Company story, mission, values, and facts

  • Branding

  • Team bios

  • Press releases

  • Media coverage

  • Email address for media inquiries

  • Interview contact information

  • Awards and recognitions

  • Charity and nonprofit work

  • Social media account links

  • FAQs

  • Product samples (if applicable)

[To learn how to design a digital press kit, read more from Shopify here.]

Did you know WHACC members can share press releases and company information through the WHACC website? Member-submitted content is posted to the WHACC website, shared on social media channels, and included in weekly newsletters. Click here to share your company updates now.

About WHACC Publisher

The Warrensville Heights Area Chamber of Commerce works to promote, enhance, and foster the growth of business in the area communities of Highland Hills, North Randall and Warrensville Heights, Ohio. Visit to subscribe, get involved, or join. Do you have news, updates, or opportunities you would like to share? We’re looking to our members to submit world-class content for our print newsletters, email newsletters, and social media channels. Please submit your business articles, tips, and resources to