Here is a list of things I have always found helpful to review as often as I can…which really means whenever I can remember to. Super simple: totally binary (i.e., everything is “either/or”), as applicable. Comes from Dan Sullivan’s book, The Laws of Lifetime Growth:
- Always make your future bigger than your past
- Always make your learning greater than your experience
- Always make your contribution bigger than your reward
- Always make your performance greater than your applause
- Always make your gratitude greater than your success
- Always make your enjoyment greater than your effort
- Always make your cooperation greater than your status
- Always make your confidence greater than your comfort
- Always make your purpose greater than your money
- Always make your questions bigger than your answers
I’ve used this list in lots of ways, from post-it note reminders to individual journaling prompts to general happiness checklists to just small doses of inspiration. Hope you find it helpful too.
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