Leading in a Crisis – Practice Three

Practice Three for the leader is to discover the root cause. There are times when you may discover that what you believed was the primary root cause is actually the secondary cause. For example, many believed the COVID-19 pandemic was the root cause of their organizational struggles. But when they dug deeper, they found a […]

Leading in a Crisis – Practice Two

Practice Two for the leader is to enlist the help of others. You and I are not Atlas. Neither are we Wonder Woman or Superman. John Maxwell asserted, “One is too small a number to achieve greatness. You cannot do anything of real value alone”. Teamwork is at the heart of great achievement. When the […]

Sales Tip #496 The Doubt Close

The Doubt Close This is a great closing technique to use when the customer is expressing doubt about their purchase. The Doubt Close works by pre-empting their doubting thoughts. If you echo these thoughts, it saves them from having to think the same thoughts. When they accept these, they will begin to trust you and […]

Leading in a Crisis – Practice One

Practice One for a person leading others through a crisis is to acknowledge the situation by facing reality. Max DuPree said, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.” During a crisis, leaders do not have the luxury to ruminate on how things used to be. Nor do they have the comfort of […]

Partnership Pros and Cons

Starting a business with a partner affords many benefits. In a perfect world, that means sharing the expenses, ideas, workload, responsibilities, and profits. In the real world, it can mean personal liability for the partnership’s activity, emotional ups and downs, personality conflicts, and differing ideas. What Is a Partnership? There are three standard types of […]

Sales Tip #478 Territory and Time Management Strategies, Part 1

Territory and Time Management Strategies, Part 1 Territory/Business Management Know where your business is and is not Develop a written plan to sustain current business Follow your plan Develop a written plan on new business development Follow your plan Strive for completion rather than perfection Whittle while you work (Multi-tasking) Develop your own personal formula […]

Valuing Your Business

At a certain point, every businessperson needs to know what their company is worth. Whether you are considering purchasing an existing business, selling your business, looking to attract investors, or thinking about going public, here is a look at how to approach valuing your business. Reasons for Valuing The two most common reasons: selling your […]